It had been nearly 10 years since we last visited this park, and this neighborhood is nearly unrecognizable from what it was before. The dirt road at the entrance remains, but new townhomes and subdivisions border the park. The entrance has been re-arranged slightly and set back off the road, so drive carefully down Bartram Park Blvd or you’ll miss it.
The trails here make a large loop, with a couple of paths cut in between. This area appears popular for horseback riding, as evidenced by what they left behind. For the most part, this area is primarily pine forest and pal-meadows. Closer the the river are oaks and more broad-leafed vegetation that thrives along the banks of the St. Johns River. It’s a large quiet area to walk, but don’t expect too many exciting or unique features to explore.

Originally published November 2011:
While browsing Google maps, I stumbled across a trail in a relatively blank area next to the St. John’s River. After researching, I really didn’t see much information about it, so I decided it was worth it a look. Julington-Durbin Creek preserve sits on a peninsula bordered by Julington and Durbin Creek. The trailhead lies at the end of a gravel road off of Bartram Park Blvd. The loop trail heads west, and is about 6.2 miles around the loop.
We didn’t have time to complete the loop, but covered about 3 miles total. This preserve is primarily flat woodland. Lots of pine trees and small shrubs dominate the area. In the middle of the loop, the vegetation is less dense, and there are signs of controlled burns recently. It was cloudy and cool, so it was difficult to see much wildlife at the time. We’ll have to return later and finish the rest of this trail. Until then, enjoy the photos.